Team Having Trouble Communicating?
You May Need The...What's your go-to collaboration style?
Your Church Leadership Team Struggles Making Decisions
One Person Seems to Always Dominate the Conversation
You Want More Collaborative Input, But Not Every Opinion
Effective processes, especially within the church, require great collaboration. But, it’s not always great to collaborate. At Auxano, we’re process junkies.
Which of these unhealthy dynamics rear their ugly heads in your leadership team?
…happens when a team member is concerned their contribution will be negatively received.
A safe team builds trust for everyone to bring their best contribution.
…happens when a team member experiences the frustration of their intent being misinterpreted.
A positive team sees the best in each other, even when they disagree.
…happens when a team allows a conversation to continue to stray off track.
A focused team keeps the purpose clear and stays on task.
…happens when one team member or a small coalition dominates the conversation.
A humble team keeps position, status, and polity in check.
Introducing the
Collaboration Cube
The Collaboration Cube helps leaders create team dynamics that can optimize collaboration by providing a toolkit to address and mitigate the challenges to collaboration.
The Cube can help to:
Clarify Expectations
The Cube sets a high bar for what it means to sit at the table of team discussion.
The 3 Modes of Collaboration establishes shared language and clarifies how each member of the team contributes to the conversation the goal of the meeting.
Inspire Contribution
The Cube provides a framework through which team members can view the conversation and frame their contribution.
While individuals naturally develop patterns of interaction based on their positions or behavioral preferences, the four collaborative styles can nudge members to make contributions based more on what the conversation needs than what’s comfortable.
Elevate Ideas
The Cube reminds team members to look at problems, opportunities, and solutions through the lens of the three modes and the four collaborative styles instead of personal preferences.
If teams fail to distinguish between people and ideas, then collaboration will be a struggle.
because vision clarity isn’t everything but clarity changes everything. Auxano starts here with every strategic planning process we facilitate.
Explore our Clarity First processes on the Auxano website.
because quality of your solutions come from the quality of your questions. Auxano Navigators ask "the question behind the question" to drive healthy church leadership and growth.
Schedule a call with an Auxano Lead Navigator.
for the local church, because Jesus is the hope of the world and His Great Commission drives our calling.
Auxano church vision solutions are built from, not adapted for, the local church.
Download a case study from a church like yours.
because leaders become addicted to quick-fix products, but process provides lasting meaning.
Auxano leads with process and tools, not products or personality to help your church experience disciple-making growth.
Engage your team and get the Collaboration Cube tool.
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